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December 9, 2008

message from within (me)

i need you now more than ever bcuz the world is at its brink once again
the skies above me have no infinity
but that doesnt hold truth to our reality
i worrying about existence
i worry because i love living
i question because theres confusion
though i have feeling in my heart.
its not that i doubt in you
because i've been answered before
i wander and worry and wonder some more,
"why are things the way they are?
where tell me, have we gone wrong!"
you can't blame me for the lies that theyve told
trust lies only from within
I need you to know.
faith i lack because i need to know more
where do i run for shelter
from mad men and mad stories fufilling
a misguided glory
destined from lies.
the feelings when u know somethings not quite right
is the difference between wrong and right
theres more to what we can physically see
and ultimately its a being that lives within (me).

November 20, 2008

We're Next! Chemtrails in Altadena and Pasadena...

Here are some shots I took from my cell phone. The chemical trails being left are more frequent in the passed couple of months in both the Pasadena and Altadena area if California. I have been looking to the skys for as long as I can remember and have actually written something on both my blog on myspace and on The first foto was taken @ Pasadena City College TODAY!!! FOUR of those JET PLANES were leaving countless lines in the sky that would desiminate in time with the wind. WE BREATHE IN THAT SAME AIR!!!! The 2nd foto i too left a crazy design in the Alta D skies... and finally the 3rd foto was taken yesterday at the bus stop on walnut and raymond in your beloved PASADENA!! IN THE CROWN CITY MAAAAAAAAN! WE ARE BEING POISONED!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!!
Youtube: Ultimate Chemtrail Proof
Google: Hr 2977

November 11, 2008


There will be a fundraiser for ♥JOSE LUIS ORTIZ ♥ on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2008.
It will be AN ALL DAY EVENT @ CARL'S JR ON LAKE AVE in Pasadena.....
If you would like to help out go only to this Carls Jr. and purchase a meal!!
A certain percent of what they make that day will be donated to his family.
There will be flyers that will be passed out but if you do not have one I'm sure someone
@ the Carls Jr. will have extra.

Jose Luis Ortiz died in the hospital on November 6th, 2008 after being brutally assualted
and left in the streets of Hollywood. His family and friends mourn his loss and want JUSTICE.
The assualters have yet come forth to confess to their actions so we are asking you the people to speak out if you know any information about the incident. This is truly a tragedy. Jose Ortiz was only 21 years young and his life was taken away from him. This is not right!!! Think of your family, think of your friends... What if this was you or some one close to you...
Please come out and support this Fundraiser on Friday the 14th @ Carls Jr. on Lake Ave in Pasadena, CA

November 9, 2008


The days surely pass
and without a glance to the past
I return to a place that calms my nerves..
It's that stage in your life
when you know nothings right and
you think that its the end of the world.

I hope to see the hope that used to be
thats' disappreared into the thin air that we breathe.
Hand in hand, to
Fight the good fight,
So then we can finally believe
that what is good has
survived from being bruised, torn, and raped
that this good has escaped and can blow its horn
to toot the sounds of freedom.
(Esperanza is hope in Spanish)

Mirrored Reality

"What is this world coming to?

A mass of fallacies and hypocrisies.

There still remain those few who see the light, see the truth.
When will the revolution begin!?
As the dark age slowly begins its mission to creep up unexpected
I become impatient.
I cannot wait for the next MLK, Cesar Chavez, or Rosa Parks.
I cannot wait for you!
My freedom lies in your hands and you don't even know it.
Every choice you make is a choice you make for the rest of the world.
You set the precedents of our existence."
I back away from the mirror and walking towards my bed thinking,"Will tomorrow be the last?"

November 7, 2008

Mind Fucked

Mind Fuck.
Yes, mines fucked!
Been mind fucked since I could count.

I've been head shook
with what's in the books.
The authors' nothing more than dirty, stinkin', wealthy crooks.

T.V. mobiles moblize what and who we are.
We're regressing rather than progressing
From the lessons of our forefathers

and those otha's that have revolutionized
who we as a people are

take the past and the present to
create the future that will be.
The way we're going
what is will be.

November 6, 2008

Sunshine Day?

the clouds, they block the sun
doesnt mean the sun will stop shining.
it shines, tries to shine right through
it cant stop the high beams.

let the clouds live in peace for
they are not harmful.
you see the clouds, they block the sun
but it doesnt mean the sun will stop shining.
Caught a photo of a Nuves sticker up in Venice Beach, California.

Midnight Wonders

I'm wide awake, while everything is silent
but the tapping of the keys
that is click, clack, clickclaking.

I'm awake.
I can't hit the sack.
Wish I was lying in bed,
Mmmm relax....

Mignight ponders leave me at wonders
of possibilites galore.
Mignight ponders leave drivers at wonder
thinking was she the corner whore?

If only I had turned off that telli
put down that jelly- dough- NUTS-
NO nuts! is what tv has driven me too.

With its reality tv and its singing false idols
Give me a Midol!
Need something strong to diffuse the
ache that its left in my brain in my head
Mindless drama with no end.

Midnight ponders leave me to wander everywhere but my bed.