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June 22, 2010

"Writing Styles of..."

"Writing Stylings of..." is dedicated to
showcase literature of all stylings.

This Weeks Collection we welcome back:
foto credit: Tatt Photography


what if? how come? why not?
all this from a mind distraught.

the future seems bright
but this room is so dim.

wish life was more simple
but wheres the fun in no sin?

flowing with the wind
blown straight off that herb
lost in my thoughts
a practice i must learn.

because without clarity
one will be forever lost in thy mind.

a state of levity will create insecurity,
a life of scrutiny, one which i choose not to be mine.

for those question that meddle and squirm their way through
to blockade and bother the simple life that i yearn

my mission is simple
my focus not to be irked
i have two simple words for you
"yousa jerk!"

dont be fooled by my smile and persona
my bite is deadly, its fierce like the the rays of the sun
the battle is what i live for because the war i have already won.

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