Find What You're Looking For

April 13, 2012

I wrote this poem a long time ago.

I found it more than appropriate to put up a poem I wrote about 4 years ago in conjunction with a poem I wrote today. The poem posted below this post (You Swear like you Know) was written at an age where I was ready to release the anger & hurt that my upbringing in a single parent household had formed. The poem may sound hurtful to those that may not understand, when really, my intentions were to make peace  with my mother. I have made that peace & have regain that trust with her. We've come a long way, to the point that I can be miles away, working for & participating in a lifestyle choice that I made for myself, with her full support. We have come a long way. To the point where I feel that my words matter & I have no fear or shame in speaking up for myself. Thank you madre*, for being patient with me & for your continued love. I hope you read this, and everything else I write on this page. I am your daughter and I am proud to be part of you, for always.  * madre = mother in Spanish.

We have come a long way

I was born in the summer before the sun was yet to rise.
They held me in they're arms before I could open my eyes.

The years went by before my mother & I
could really look eye to eye & realize,
that there was more to me, more to she
Where we became a we,
so that we can be,
mother and daughter,
friend & friend,
where we could live together until the end.

She is my source, my beloved, my heart.
Without her, I would not know where to start.

My grandmother, her mother, hurt her too.

It's a vicious cycle that only we hold on to,
one that must end, before our youngest continues the trend.

For now, all we can do is pray, since we have come a long way,
fought in fear and confusion, looked inside & dug deep for a reason,

so that tomorrow &/or the day after
my sister, my mother, grandmother & I can look back in laughter,

& relax on only the times that we shared most dear to our hearts, when we all had a fresh start because

We've all come a long way.

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